We now offer additional online classes for your convenience!

About the Program
This specialized course is for students who aspire to go to elite music institutes such as Juilliard, Curtis and Berklee College of Music. We mentor students in the competitive process of college admission and audition, making sure our students gain the advantage by learning the diverse programs around the world and how to best prepare application materials for the institutes they desire. All of our teachers are professors and graduates from these elite schools.

Before you enroll
Unlike other courses we offer, the admission preparatory program is an intensive course that requires strong commitment and motivation from the student. This is only for students who have the urge to achieve their fullest potential. Each student must interview with one of our counselor prior to registration for us to learn about the student's ability and goals. Students must demonstrate skills in their instruments and passion in their crafts.
After you enroll
When students successfully enroll, we will pair the appropriate teacher best suited for the students' goals. Depending on each student's scheduled and need, we will schedule between two to four one-hour meetings each week. Each meeting is $95 USD.

About each meeting
Since each university has different requirement and each student is at varying level, each lesson differs; however, all lessons will focus on continuing education on developing student's technique and performance, preparing necessary materials for the universities, and potentially entering various competitions. This course is highly individualized.
Recommendation letter from famous professor
Instructors from famous schools at home and abroad, in the 1v1 guidance process, excavate the uniqueness of students. Students receive a personal recommendation letter.